Welcome to Northland School


Welcome to Northland School


Welcome to Northland School


Welcome to Northland School

FUTURE SELF DRESS UP DAY Wednesday 3 July—Yr7-8 Technology classes Thursdays — Home&School Meeting Tues 7.30pm in the staffroom —BOT Meeting Wed 7pm—Pizza Friday Orders due in on Wednesday—Kōtare/Tieke open afternoon Thurs 2pm—Ruru Hui Friday Tē kohanga 9.10am— End of term 2 Friday 5 July 3pm

Te Kura o Orangi Kaupapa

Tū mai Te Ahūmairangi, tū mai hoki tātou
As Te Ahūmairangi stands, we also reach for great heights


Latest News

Professional photographs: Paul McCredie

Recent Events

School Disco

Kākā at Technology


Kōtare Swimming

Northland School Values