Welcome to Northland School, Te Kura o Orangi Kaupapa.
We have a modern learning environment with outstanding views looking over Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Our learning spaces are vibrant, open and allow teachers and students to teach and learn in a variety of ways. Te Kōhanga, the nest is where we come together to share and celebrate. This is an amazing space that the school community benefits from and provides a space for school wide and community events.

We are a community of kind, curious, confident, creative, and active learners. Our whakatauki of aspiring to great heights reflects where we are both physically and educationally as a learning community and the expectations we have for all of our learners. We sit near the top of Te Ahumairangi, the hill directly behind Parliament looking out over the city of Wellington.
We provide a comprehensive and modern curriculum with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy that reflects the aspirations of family and whānau. Our teaching spaces are full of purpose, hands-on experiences and opportunities to work alongside children of all ages. Children are engaged in learning and are eager to share their knowledge and opinions. We are learning together and value students sharing their opinions and feedback.
Our values are a key part of what Positive Behaviour 4 Learning looks like at Northland School and underpin decisions we make. To keep them front of mind, we have been able to make the perfect acronym to describe what we want to be.
C – confident (whakamanawa)
H – hikohiko (active)
A – auahatanga (creative)
M – manaaki (kind)
P – pātaitai (curious)
We are encouraging and acknowledging Northland CHAMPs to do the right thing and working together to provide a warm and caring environment that we can all thrive in, to be our best selves.
I am proud to be the Principal at Northland. We consistently challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be to support all students and to model our values of kindness, curiosity, confidence, creativity and being active in our learning.
We would love you to visit.
Ngā mihi nui
Andrea Peetz