Mathswell is where lots of schools bring one or two teams of six to compete in a fun and challenging math competition. This competition was going to be held at Raroa Intermediate School, but there were so many teams that they had to change the venue to Victoria University. Each team splits up into two subgroups of three, one for problem solving and one for multi choice. Those groups compete in round 1 and then switch categories for round 2. After round one, the top half competes for the cup while the bottom half competes for the plate. The top 3 teams in the cup and the plate at the end win prizes. There were special prizes like t-shirts, but the normal prizes were chocolates, calculators, certificates, and problem-solving books.
In the problem-solving round, you have 15 minutes to answer 13 questions; you have two tries for each question. In the multi-choice round, you would choose from a, b, c, d, or e. You have 13 minutes to answer 15 questions in total, but you have 5 minutes to answer the first 6 questions, and after that, you have 8 minutes to answer the other 9 questions. Every point answered was 1 point, and the team with the most points won.